The Nevis Island Administration
About the Administration

The Nevis Island Government is a democratic operation based on the Westminister Parliamentary system. The constitution that governs the federation was established in 1983 when the islands gained independence from the United Kingdom.
The Island of Nevis has it’s own unicameral legislature, consisting of the Deputy Governor General, the representative of Her Majesty, and members of the Nevis Island Administration. The Nevis Island Administration has a Cabinet of Ministers consisting of a Premier, a Deputy Premier, other elected members and a maximum of two nominated members. The above listed link provides a profile of the members of the Nevis Island Administration cabinet.
Premier and Minister of Finance, Statistics, Economic Planning, Education, Library Services, Human Resources, Industry, Trade and Consumer Affairs, Health, Tourism and Information Technology, Public Utilities and Energy and Foreign Investments.
Deputy Premier and Minister of Agriculture, Lands, Housing, Cooperatives and Fisheries, Natural Resources and Disaster Management
Minister of Culture, Youth, Sports, Community Development and Telecommunications and Information
Minister of Labour, Public Works, Physical Planning, Posts and the Environment.
Junior Ministers in the Premiers Ministry with responsibility for Health and Gender Affairs.
Junior Ministers in the Premiers Ministry with responsibility for Education, Library Services and Information Technology
Cabinet Secretary, Nevis Island Administration
Legal, Advisor Nevis Island Administration