Prime Minister Drew Explores Cutting-Edge Climate-Smart Hospital in Toronto

Toronto, Ontario, Canada – In a significant development on September 11, 2023, Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew embarked on a highly productive working visit to the University of Health Network (UHN), an advanced climate-smart hospital situated in Toronto, Canada. This visit underscores his unwavering commitment to securing opportunities that promote sustainable economic growth and innovation for the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

The University of Health Network (UHN) is renowned for its exceptional healthcare facilities and extensive research capabilities. Notably, it boasts the largest hospital-based research program in Canada, pioneering groundbreaking research in various fields such as cardiology, transplantation, neurosciences, oncology, surgical innovation, infectious diseases, genomic medicine, and rehabilitation medicine.

Prime Minister Drew’s visit to UHN holds particular significance as his administration has recently unveiled ambitious plans to construct a new climate-smart hospital. This initiative seamlessly aligns with his Sustainable Island State agenda, which aims to foster a resilient and environmentally conscious future for the Federation.

Accompanying Prime Minister Drew during this enlightening visit were key officials, including Permanent Secretary Mr. Glenroy Blanchette and Mr. Eustace Wallace, St. Kitts-Nevis’ Chargé D’Affaires ad interim in Ottawa, Canada.

Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew expressed his enthusiasm for the potential collaborations and knowledge-sharing opportunities stemming from this visit. He remarked, “The University of Health Network’s impressive commitment to climate-smart healthcare and cutting-edge research serves as an inspiring model for our own aspirations in Saint Kitts and Nevis. This visit has fortified our determination to develop innovative healthcare solutions and drive sustainable economic growth for our nation.”

The Prime Minister’s visit to UHN underscores the paramount importance of international partnerships and knowledge exchange in achieving common objectives for a healthier and more sustainable future in Saint Kitts and Nevis.

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