



Environmental Health About Us


To promote the integrated protection and preservation of the natural and historic resources of St. Christopher and Nevis for the purposes of conservation and to provide the effective management and sustainable development of resources for the benefit of prosperity.



  • Assess natural and historic resources conditions and make recommendations for the maintenance of resources.
  • Employ strategies to effectively conserve resources
  • Recognize problems such as erosion, flooding, geological instability, biodiversity through the manipulation of effective measuring devices and methodology.
  • Undertake regular fieldwork involving data collection with observation and reporting of conditions and resource degradation issues.
  • Develop database of environmental indicators with metadata to be used in Environmental Impact Assessment and related research.
  • Employ strategies to ensure the promotion of an effective system of integrated Environmental Education and communication to encourage sustainable living by our citizens
  • Collaborate with Non Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) and Community Based Organizations (CBO’s) on any issue of environmental concern.

The Principles of Public Health ensures that the objectives of the Primary Health Care concept is undertaken rigorously by the team approach method. Within this team approach, from the respective Health Centres, emanates the Environmental

Health Officer, the nurses and the District Medical Officer to ensure that the respective communities receive due diligence and service.